Five benefits of cardio for bodybuilders

walking the dog

You can’t get competition ready without having cardio built into your bodybuilding fitness program. The cardio workout has to be an integral part of your daily fitness routine and not something you do every second day.

When I am preparing for competition perform a ‘fasted’ cardio workout at the start of each day.

Every morning, each sessions consist of walking outside, with man’s best friend,  my dog Sammy for 45 minutes at a steady pace. After completing the workout I then eat my first meal for the day. The walking route is usually fairly flat, not many hills or inclines at all.

Depending on where I am at with my body fat percentage, I may increase my cardio and perform 2x 45 minute sessions per day (morning and night). Lucky dog Sammy loves these days.
Some of the benefits of cardio for bodybuilders include:
  • Reduces stress
  • Aids in fat loss
  • Stronger heart and lungs making you fitter when you weight train
  • Aids in muscle recovery after heavy weight training.

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